Second Opinion
One-time Consultation
For individuals and/or families who would like a second opinion, a one time evaluation of current diagnoses and treatments can be provided for patients of all ages. Potential treatment plans and recommendations will be reviewed in detail. On request, a written report can be shared with referring providers.
Preparation for Initial Visit
The initial visit will consist of our comprehensive diagnostic evaluation, including review of previous records sent before visit, patient completed questionnaires, and previous medication trials. All questionnaires and consents will need to be completed through the patient portal before the visit. A release of information will need to be signed in order for any other providers to be contacted for collateral information.

Evaluation Process

Patients will complete two separate telepsychiatry appointments. This provides the patient and provider plenty of time to compile information and plan appropriately. After the evaluation is scheduled, we send multiple clinical questionnaires for the patient and/or their caregiver to complete before the first appointment. After the initial evaluation, we might send some additional questionnaires if needed. Once all the questionnaires have been completed, your physician will complete their diagnostic process. After that, there will be a follow-up appointment to review differential diagnoses with a written report. If patients would like complete confidentiality, they can choose to complete the evaluation without sharing results with insurance companies, work, school, and/or family.